Stress Management in English

Stress management is on everyone’s lips. Stress management should be as easy as possible – just easy – to make stress management easier. Easy stress management.

If one believes current studies, a large part of the population is in stress. This refers primarily to the negative distress, which combines the known mental and physical stress: internal restlessness, concentration problems, sleep disorders, physical tension etc.

The occasional pressure is normal. Not everything can be planned and sometimes everything comes at once. It is important, however, that this condition does not become a habit, because then threaten long-term mental and physical complaints. Prevention is needed.

The benefit is recognized by the health insurance companies. Courses for stress prevention are subsidized accordingly. The present course is supported by the statutory health insurance. The amount of the refund varies. Inform yourself best directly with your health insurance.

The contents of the course are:

1. Teaching the basic knowledge for the creation, maintenance and reduction of stress.

2. Short stress test to determine the individual stress level and the key starting points for improvement.

3. Practical explanation of the change of harmful thinking patterns that sustain stress (Ellis ABC analysis).

4. Develop realistic goals

5. Learning effective methods of daily problem solving

6. Practice new, conflict-solving forms of communication

7. Imparting simple physical exercises for relaxation (autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness exercises according to Kabath-Zinn, etc.)

8. Pleasure training

9. Basics of Time Management

10. Successfully no-say

11. Scientifically secured happiness tips

Like all the courses that are offered here, this is also very participant-oriented. So there is the opportunity to introduce personal wishes and to complement the program accordingly.

You can easily register by sending an email to

German health insurances reimburse part of the participation fee. For further information please contact your insurance.


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